“Dramaturgy as a model for geographically displaced collaborations” presented by Schroeder


Session Title:

  • Positioning local and global transactions

Presentation Title:

  • Dramaturgy as a model for geographically displaced collaborations




  • Abstract

    The network currently is not only widely used for performative actions but also extensively theorised. However, the artistic strategies in networked environments and the ways in which these new performance practices and cultural contexts can give rise to new design approaches have not been equally explored. This paper therefore draws on the notion of dramaturgy as it provides a useful framework for addressing design strategies and performative relationships in networked environment. I argue that dramaturgies suggest a robust method for understanding artistic practices in the network. The paper gives a brief overview of the history and the theories of the network as well as the histories of dramaturgies. This paper was designed in conjunction with, or as an introduction, to a paper by Pedro Rebelo in the 2009 Contemporary Music Review Journal (Rebelo, 2009), which describes in detail three dramaturgical models that I developed with the author in early 2008: an extended version of this paper will be published by Contemporary Music Review (Routledge), 2009.

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