Asym­me­tries in the Con­trol of In­for­ma­tion and Ideas


Session Title:

  • @China, Virtually Speaking: A Virtual Roundtable Discussion on Emergent Practices in China

Presentation Title:

  • Asym­me­tries in the Con­trol of In­for­ma­tion and Ideas




  • Panel:  @China, Virtually Speaking: A Virtual Roundtable Discussion on Emergent Practices in China

    The 2008 Bei­jing Olympics was the chance for China to open its in­for­ma­tion high­way to the West. Yet three years later media cen­sor­ship pre­vails with an even tighter strong­hold than be­fore due to the re­cent up­ris­ings in the Mid­dle East. As China con­tin­ues to play host to in­ter­na­tional cul­tural events, what are the asym­me­tries in the ap­pli­ca­tion of cen­sor­ship? What is ac­cepted? What is re­jected? Based on her ex­pe­ri­ences as a cu­ra­tor for both the 2009 Shang­hai eArts Fes­ti­val, an elec­tronic arts fes­ti­val fea­tur­ing per­for­mance, work­shops and ex­hi­bi­tions and the 2010 Shang­hai World Expo, Ayas will dis­cuss the cur­rent state of con­trol in China’s cre­ative in­dus­tries and art cen­ters. Ex­cerpts from a doc­u­men­tary cre­ated by her stu­dents at New York Uni­ver­sity Shang­hai cam­pus will be screened.
