Multisensory Mobile Devices: Redesigning Bodily Spatialities and Dimensions


Session Title:

  • Borders and interfaces: the challenges of the wearable computer’s design in the near future

Presentation Title:

  • Multisensory Mobile Devices: Redesigning Bodily Spatialities and Dimensions




  • Panel:  Borders and interfaces: the challenges of the wearable computer’s design in the near future

    In the con­text of mo­bile tech­no­log­i­cal in­ter­faces, more and more the users’ ac­tion and per­cep­tion have been or­ga­nized into com­plex forms that de­pend on the ac­tual con­text. From those re­la­tions, es­tab­lished by a dy­namic flux and ex­change of in­for­ma­tion, emerge pre­sent body spa­tial­i­ties, ar­tic­u­lated be­tween the phys­i­cal and the vir­tual, but both real. The body, com­pound­ing in­fi­nite aes­thet­i­cal and lived ap­proaches, can ex­pand the ter­ri­to­r­ial phys­i­cal lim­its and be un­der­stood as a phys­i­cal re­al­ity tech­no­log­i­cally me­di­ated, elab­o­rat­ing its ac­tiv­i­ties, which take place ei­ther lo­cally or re­motely, in con­stant jux­ta­po­si­tion of space and time di­men­sions not re­lated. All the time, in­clud­ing and ex­clud­ing peo­ple, de­ter­min­ing the tempo, the move­ments and the place­ment, and defin­ing the de­gree to which those ac­tiv­i­ties are si­mul­ta­ne­ous.

    Ac­cord­ing to that the­o­ret­i­cal ap­proach, it will be pre­sented some po­etic pro­jects and de­scribed their sen­so­r­ial ex­pe­ri­ences pro­posed, as WHIS­PER, wear­able body ar­chi­tec­tures, and TEN­DRILS, in­ter­ac­tive ki­netic gar­ment (both cre­ated by The­cla Schiphorst), SOMO, so­cial mo­biles (cre­ated by Crispin Jones and IDEO), VESTIS, af­fec­tive spa­tial­i­ties (cre­ated by Luisa Paraguai), and RE­COIL, urban en­vi­ron­ments and the mi­cro-spaces (cre­ated by Kather­ine Mori­waki). Those art­works have as­sumed the body as a sys­tem es­tab­lished through the ex­pe­ri­ence, where the mean­ing has been elab­o­rated from the ob­ject re­la­tions with and onto the space, and ques­tioned some ideas such as the emer­gence of a new body lan­guage, the re­flec­tion about pri­vate space ver­sus pub­lic space, the per­cep­tion of body and space as a dy­namic con­fig­u­ra­tion, as well as the ap­pear­ance of new so­cial codes, be­hav­iours, and eti­quettes.
