Skype and Video P­er­for­mance: How Good to See You!


Session Title:

  • Intimate TV: Webcamming & Social Life-logging In the Surveillant-Sousveillant Space

Presentation Title:

  • Skype and Video P­er­for­mance: How Good to See You!




  • Panel:  Intimate TV: Webcamming & Social Life-logging In the Surveillant-Sousveillant Space

    This paper ex­plores some po­ten­tial uses of Skype in videop­er­for­mance prac­tices. Skype em­bod­ies the para­doxes of screen-me­di­ated videop­er­for­mance and screen-me­di­ated com­mu­ni­ca­tion with its il­lu­sion of trans­parency and im­me­di­acy, its dis­tance be­tween cam­era and image on screen, per­formed eye con­tact, and ef­fec­tive re­la­tional per­for­ma­tiv­ity. Start­ing from the doc­u­men­ta­tion of an ex­per­i­ment con­ducted dur­ing a week­long res­i­dency in Colch­ester, UK, I will ex­am­ine some re­la­tional as­pects of Skype, mov­ing be­tween straight­for­ward one-to-one com­mu­ni­ca­tion, and live and recorded per­for­mances.

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