Dig­i­tal Chore­og­ra­phy? There’s an App for that!


Session Title:

  • Serious Animation: Beyond Art and Entertainment

Presentation Title:

  • Dig­i­tal Chore­og­ra­phy? There’s an App for that!




  • Panel: Serious Animation: Beyond Art and Entertainment

    It is ir­refutable that soft­ware sys­tems have come to play an in­dis­pens­able role in the cre­ative arts with many dis­ci­plines reap­ing the ben­e­fit of soft­ware prod­ucts which aug­ment or en­tirely sup­plant tra­di­tional tech­niques. How­ever there has been lit­tle ap­pre­cia­ble ac­cep­tance of tech­nol­ogy within the dance com­mu­nity de­spite the best ef­forts of a core of pi­o­neers. Does the pro­lif­er­a­tion of per­sonal tech­nol­ogy which can “sense” the world in terms of mo­tion, audio, vi­sion and touch pre­sent an op­por­tu­nity for a re­boot of dance-tech­nol­ogy, and what new in­ter­face par­a­digms should we now be con­sid­er­ing?
