“Test_Lab: Summer Sessions 2011” presented by Dartel


Session Title:

  • Test_Lab: Summer Sessions 2011

Presentation Title:

  • Test_Lab: Summer Sessions 2011




  • Chair Per­son: Michel Dar­tel, Crit­i­cal Re­spon­dent: Va­lerie La­m­on­tagne

    Pre­sen­ters: Kasia Molga, Julie Legault, Sey Min, Jelle Valk & Olav Huizer, E-Tex­tile Work­space, Boris De­backere, Piem Wirtz & Jan Misker

    Every year, V2_ In­sti­tute for the Un­sta­ble Media in­vites a small group of up-and-com­ing artists to spend their sum­mer in the V2_Lab for an in­tense short-term res­i­dency. Dur­ing these so-called Sum­mer Ses­sions, the se­lected artists are given the op­por­tu­nity to de­velop an art­work in close col­lab­o­ra­tion with V2_’s ex­pert de­vel­op­ers, cu­ra­tor and pro­ject man­agers.  This year’s Sum­mer Ses­sions will wel­come an­other se­lec­tion of up-and-com­ing artists into the V2_Lab to work on pro­jects in the fields of aug­mented re­al­ity, wear­able tech­nol­ogy, and ecol­ogy – the three cen­tral re­search themes of the V2_Lab. By hold­ing these Sum­mer Ses­sions res­i­den­cies in par­al­lel, V2_ aims to pro­mote a cre­ative syn­ergy be­tween these up-and-com­ing artists.
    In this spe­cial edi­tion of V2_’s Test_Lab pro­gram at ISEA2011, the out­come of the Sum­mer Ses­sions 2011 will be pre­sented. As it is cus­tom to V2_’s Test_Lab, the pro­jects will be demon­strated live and the au­di­ence will be in­vited to as­sess the art­works hands-on.

