Shiv­er­ing Bound­aries


Session Title:

  • Testing New Ground: An Interdisciplinary Discussion on Hybrid Habitats

Presentation Title:

  • Shiv­er­ing Bound­aries




  • Panel: Testing New Ground: An Interdisciplinary Discussion on Hybrid Habitats

    My re­search ex­plores the na­ture of cor­po­re­al­ity in the bio­med­ical sci­ences and queries the sta­tus of our “hu­man­ness” at the be­gin­ning of the twenty-first cen­tury. In this panel I will pre­sent the in­ter­sec­tions be­tween art and bio-med­ical prac­tices that are il­lus­trated through my re­search. I will give an overview of the ground­break­ing bio­med­ical ex­per­i­ments I car­ried out to ‘change the fates’ of adult stem cells from my blood into beat­ing car­diac cells ‘in vitro’ and link this cor­po­real mal­leabil­ity with my on-go­ing ex­plo­rations. My re­cent in­ves­ti­ga­tions into the small brains of the Eu­ro­pean honey bee and their com­mu­nal ‘hive con­scious­ness’ will also be ad­dressed through the vir­tual and real-time in­ter­ac­tive art­works that have re­sulted from this re­search. I will demon­strate how my over­all em­pha­sis on hy­bri­dis­ing vir­tual and real-time ex­pe­ri­ences cre­ate al­ter­na­tive habi­tats that place the viewer in the role of a par­tic­i­pant who can ex­am­ine the ‘shiv­er­ing bound­aries’ be­tween mind-body-self at first hand.

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