

Session Title:

  • Variable Reality – Inter-formalities in Digital/Analogue Arts

Presentation Title:

  • Untitled




  • Chair Per­son: Ian Gwilt
    Pre­sen­ters: Dew Har­ri­son, Mar­tin Rieser & Suzette Wor­den

    This panel will ex­plore the no­tion that con­tem­po­rary cre­ative prac­tice is in­creas­ingly tak­ing place in and be­tween ana­logue and dig­i­tal cul­tures. And that by en­fold­ing the cre­ative processes in­her­ent within these two en­vi­ron­ments we can gen­er­ate richly in­formed cre­ative out­comes that build on the qual­i­ties of both dig­i­tal and ma­te­r­ial cul­ture. This work­ing in and be­tween dig­i­tal and ana­logue en­vi­ron­ments, to­ward the gen­er­a­tion of cre­ative works is the essence of what the panel will dis­cuss as cross or vari­able re­al­ity cre­ative prac­tices. The panel will con­sider the po­ten­tial for mak­ing within and across dig­i­tal/ma­te­r­ial en­vi­ron­ments through the pre­sen­ta­tion of their own re­search/prac­tice.
