

Session Title:

  • Games Betwixt and Between

Presentation Title:

  • Untitled




  • Chair Per­sons: Lynn Hughes & Heather Kel­ley
    Pre­sen­ters: Cindy Poremba & Emma West­e­cott

    This panel fo­cuses on some of the most in­ter­est­ing de­vel­op­ments in games and playable media. More specif­i­cally it will look at the re­cent surge in mak­ing in­de­pen­dent games or game-like media art and ar­ti­facts. How does the indie mo­ment in the games in­dus­try in­ter­sect with the rise of in­ter­est in playable media out­side the in­dus­try (art games, game art, games as re­search, em­bod­ied play, new ar­cade games, lo-fi and retro games, diy….)?  Pan­elists will pro­vide a broad overview of cur­rent “gami­ness” but will also be draw­ing on ex­am­ples of their own art/de­sign work. Pa­pers will ad­dress the fol­low­ing types of ques­tions:

    1. The re­la­tion be­tween goal-based and free play mod­els of games/playable media, as well ex­am­ples of de­sign­ing for ap­pro­pri­a­tion. What is the re­la­tion be­tween ex­pres­siv­ity and rules? Whose ex­pres­siv­ity? What does/could it mean to au­thor playable media for ap­pro­pri­a­tion? (Lynn Hughes)
    2. The rise of lo-fi games in the light of V.W Turner’s no­tions of the lim­i­nal & lim­i­noid. Con­tem­po­rary indie prac­tice in the spaces be­tween diy & artgames. (Emma West­e­cott)
    3. How new ar­cade pro­jects draw the play ex­pe­ri­ence out into the ex­hi­bi­tion en­vi­ron­ment. What are artists doing to re-imag­ine games for al­ter­na­tive so­cial con­texts? How can cu­ra­tors en­gage with the de­sign of play -par­tic­u­larly in non-gallery spaces? (Cindy Poremba).
    4. What kind of soft and hard ware con­tributes to a plea­sure ex­pe­ri­ence.? How can we make sure game goals and sen­sual “goals” are mu­tu­ally re­in­forc­ing? How might sex games be a fore­run­ner of other “gam­i­fi­ca­tion” ef­forts where the goal is more than self-ref­er­en­tial en­ter­tain­ment? (Heather Kel­ley)
