“Twinkle: A Flying Lighting Companion for Urban Safety” presented by Deng, Li and Sayegh


Session Title:

  • Human-Robot Interaction

Presentation Title:

  • Twinkle: A Flying Lighting Companion for Urban Safety




  • Today’s urban lighting system still lacks coverage for many walkways, inducing feelings of insecurity and promoting the probability of crime. Ubiquitous surveillance is an intrusion on privacy and does not allow real-time action. The cold, lifeless light shines in the dark, trapping people in the solitude of silence. These absences motivated us to create Twinkle—a luminous transformative creature which inhabits on light posts. They are curious, aerial animals attracted by human activity. During the day, they rest on urban light posts, expanding their solar panels for charging. At night, they react to pedestrians on the street based on various distinct personalities. Twinkle is an indirect solution to urban security without the need for surveillance. We envision a future where technology goes beyond its form and becomes a companion to us.
