The Ocean that Keeps Us Apart also Joins Us: Charting Knowledge and Practice in the Anthropocene


Presentation Title:

  • The Ocean that Keeps Us Apart also Joins Us: Charting Knowledge and Practice in the Anthropocene



  • This panel consist of five experts who have collaborated across hemispheres of Earth in the context of environment. Collaboration has become increasingly common over the past 15 years, to now being a pre-eminent form of creative practice. Over the same period, the human connection to climate change has moved from being predominantly known in academia, to a situation where the climate crisis is widely acknowledged intergenerationally and across most mass media. This development has forced a revision of knowledge and theory, led to engagement with indigenous peoples and new sites for projects. The notion of the constitution of a sentient human being has changed, in particular moving out of solely Western conceptions. These forces have led to an activist reorientation in creative practice, with ramifications for art, society, humanity and Earth which together lead to a re-shaping of language.

