“Entanglements” by Chris Henschke



Artist(s) and People Involved:

Exhibiting Artist(s):

Chris Henschke -
  • Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University (RMIT)


Toby Gifford -
  • Griffith University




Artist Statement:

“Entanglements” is an interactive apparatus that explores a fundamental phenomenon which shapes our relationships with the universe, namely quantum entanglement. Through a novel interface that combines sight, sound and touch, actual quantum entanglement phenomena is created and expressed through unique sonic signatures. In incorporating precision scientific devices, this project is not simply speculative, but it is also not didactic or scientifically reductive. Two connected road-cases contain a custom built photon entanglement device comprising a laser, a Barium Borate crystal, two single photon detectors, synthesizer, and an audio-haptic interface.

When two photons of light become entangled, they are in a state where differentiation does not exist, a “primary reality”, to quote physicist Anton Zeilinger. Measurement or interaction with one particle instantaneously affects the other, breaking down classical notions of space and time. In observing entangled systems, we create their material capacity to be knowable. Interaction with entanglement experiments, including this artwork, materially entangles us with such quantum systems.

“Entanglements” liberates this compelling phenomenon from the laboratory and allow people to engage with it in an expressive way, with each entanglement event expressed through unique sonic signatures. Embracing the dynamic uncertainties and qualities of nature on its most fundamental level, the artwork seeks to manifest perhaps one of the deepest interconnections between us and the universe.


All Works by the Artist(s) in This Archive: