“CO_SONIC 1884 km²” by Robertina Šebjanič

  • ©, ,


    CO_SONIC 1884 km²

Artist(s) and People Involved:



Artist Statement:

    Co_Sonic 1884 km² is a visual-poetic reflection and an AI-powered soundscape, that tells the story of (co)existence of river environments and their inhabitants. The project brings us closer to the life of river flora and fauna while drawing attention to the problematic nature of human control over the aquatic environment. By moving away from an anthropocentric view of the world, the artist reveals a new perspective on the Ljubljanica River and its ecosystem. Throughout history, the Ljubljanica has wormed its way below and above the surface. Unaware that they are the same river, people have given different names to each of the above-ground parts of the river.

    Co_Sonic1884 km² shows its water body through the prism of its integral whole.

    Co_Sonic 1884 km² is a document of the current times in which rivers are becoming powerless due to human intervention. It calls on us to build empathy for ‘non-human’ entities and to adopt strategies for ecological development for a time when our generation will be long gone.

Additional Images:

  • 2024 Sebjanic_CO_SONIC 1884 km²
  • 2024 Sebjanic_CO_SONIC 1884 km²


All Works by the Artist(s) in This Archive: