“COMPOSITION-RGB-2” by Sumugan Sivanesan



Artist(s) and People Involved:



Artist Statement:

    These experimental pieces were created in an attempt to explore what is “Listenable’ and “watchable’ in abstract electronic audio/vision. I was interest in creating work with qualities inherent to the medium of digital video, so I turned the medium into itself, delving into hypnotic states of video feedback.

    These works were created using 2 short lengths of video feedback footage. The sourced audio was panned either left or right as I wanted utilize the stereophonic spectrum, playing with the “beating” that occurs with panned and slightly out of sync frequencies. The resulting footage was then cut and overlayed in an attempt to create “pop pieces” where the “watching” and “listening” experiences were not exclusive to one another.


All Works by the Artist(s) in This Archive:

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