“Creative Coding at the Lanes” by Jared Donovan

  • ©, ,


    Creative Coding at the Lanes

Artist(s) and People Involved:



Artist Statement:

    ‘Creative Coding at The Lanes’ is a public exhibition of creative outcomes from an introductory programming class for creative practitioners. The exhibition takes place across three locations in Winn Lane and Bakery – two pedestrian retail alleys in Fortitude Valley. To show the works, custom ‘creative coding cabinets’ were fabricated. Each cabinet has a different interaction style (joystick, keyboard, or webcam). There are also projectors that mirror the visual outputs on nearby buildings. Students were asked to pick a cabinet and location and design a small interactive experience that would connect with that place and the people who visit there.

Additional Images:

  • 2024 Donovan, QUT Creative Coding Students_QUT Student Exhibition
  • 2024 Donovan, QUT Creative Coding Students_QUT Student Exhibition


All Works by the Artist(s) in This Archive: