“Deep Blue” by Rose Hocking

  • ©, ,


    Deep Blue

Artist(s) and People Involved:

    Exhibiting Artist(s):



Artist Statement:

    Deep Blue is a multi-sensory interactive work that incorporates screen-based visuals, spatial audio, and physical interaction. Exploring the themes of anthropogenic climate change and the blue mind, this work visualises a planetary ocean sphere situated in the centre of a large pulsing blue space. This blue space is influenced by theories of the blue mind, exploring the peace induced by the presence of a large body of water. This is combined with spatial audio to immerse the audience in soundscape of underwater sounds and crashing waves to create the sensation of being immersed in this watery environment. Examining the human connection to place through an exploration of the ocean ecosystem, Deep Blue encourages the audience to consider their place and relationship with the ocean in a space that explores the intersection between interactive experience and the physical interactions and impacts that we have on the environment. This work aims to foster deeper considerations of our relationship to the ocean and to place and reflect on how we interact with these environments.

Additional Images:

  • 2024 Hocking: Deep Blue
  • 2024 Hocking: Deep Blue


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