“DIATOMA” by Shabnam Lotfian

  • ©, ,
  • Robotic Incremental Sheet Forming of a Part



Artist(s) and People Involved:



Artist Statement:

    “Diatoma” is the synergy of nature’s intricate designs, the precision of computational design, and the innovation of robotic fabrication. The pavilion invites viewers to explore the interplay between natural forms and robotic fabrication, a delicate balance where each component contributes to the strength and resilience of the whole. “Diatoma” is not just a structure; it is an exploration of possibilities. It challenges the boundaries of architectural design, proposing a future where the wisdom of nature is translated through the lens of technology into a tangible, inspiring reality. By harnessing the power of robots, it creates structures that are not only efficient but also profoundly beautiful.

Additional Images:

  • 2024 Lotfian_DIATOMA


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