“Dreaming Yongsan Park” by Jisu Kim, Jean Ho Chu, Chung Nyeong Lee
- Dreaming Yongsan Park
Artist(s) and People Involved:
- Jisu Kim
- Sogang University
- Jean Ho Chu
- Sogang University
- Chung Nyeong Lee
- Sogang University
Exhibiting Artist(s):
Artist Statement:
Dreaming Yongsan Park (2023) is a community art project that attempts to occupy and reshape the current state of ‘Yongsan Park’ into a place that reflects the voice and desires of Seoul citizens. We aimed to return the power to citizens to dream and re-think about Yongsan Park beyond its physical constraints and the government’s top-down approach to urban planning.
3D scanning can be used as a democratized method for sharing of one’s 3D models of everyday objects and environment. We identify 3D scanned objects as a ‘Digital Found Objects’, and virtual form of ‘Self-narratives’ of people within their time and place. This Digital Found Objects brings people’s everyday lives, hidden stories, and wishes of the Yongsan park. We utilize these objects to share one’s voice as a community member, allowing them to reshape and reengage the place as their own.
This 3D Virtual Website ‘Dreaming Yongsan Park’ is employed to restore the relationship between Yongsan Park and citizens. We suggest this virtual space as an activist approach where the virtual space can be a way of reshaping engagement and attachment of the real place, and also works as a place to sharing voices of the citizens. The website is open to the public, and any visitors can virtually walk around the 3D web version of ‘Yongsan Park’ and read the stories of how the citizens dream of the inaccessible place