“Electronic Noise improvisation: ‘Chaosmos’” by Seiji Nagai, Koji Kawai, Minoru Yonemoto, Koichi Watanabe
- Electronic Noise improvisation: ‘Chaosmos’
Artist(s) and People Involved:
Artist Statement:
Leader of our group, Seiji Nagai was a founder menber of pioneering multimedia free improv wanderers The Taj Mahal Travellers. This work tries restructuring of the dense, organic flow of The Taj Mahal Travellers in a basis with art thought of Nietzsche.
Supposing the Nietzsche is the founder of thought of noise music, how does it feel?
Nietzsche considered chaos as dionysus without Got first in the West.
Chaos is a meaning similar to noise in music today. And Nietsche thought about the music that exceeded logos as a symbol of Dionysus of chaos that it was essential thought expression. our music often centres around a juddering piano or turntable phrase, while Nagai runs slowly coalescing rings around the other players. This aspect seems to be just like Dionysus both unify will of the root before long while continuing destroying order of Apollon in sequence.
In other words Dionysus and Apollon may say that I express the world of unified chaosmos while chaos and a cosmos stimulate it mutually.
In addition to above, in a meaning to express respect to Nietzsche, this work inserts music work of Nietsche with subliminal method.