“Everydrop-Everywhen” by Elissa Goodrich

  • ©, ,
  • Bubbles in the lab - photo by Filippo Nelli



Artist(s) and People Involved:



Artist Statement:

    Everydrop-Everywhen, an original soundart work combines laboratory recordings (of bubbles), Antarctic fieldwork recordings (of ice, ambient environments, Weddell Seals, Bowhead Whales) and original instrumental recordings (prepared piano, vibraphone, woodwinds, double bass) to explore human perception and manipulations of timescales, and to rework our understanding of past, present and future by inviting us into a deeper listening of an underwater world.

    It exposes and creatively manipulates bubbles. The timeframe in which bubbles ‘pinch off’ and create their sound is very small, a micro-second/s. Scientists manipulate audio-visual recordings (amplifying sounds and dramatically slowing down recorded visual events to capture these tiny events in order to perceive them within human scales (within sonic and visual perception).

    Everydrop-Everywhen aims to offer an enhanced, creative approach to identifying and listening for bubbles; for recognising how these tiny, short events (bubbles) are incredibly powerful, beautiful and offer a vital, sonic, portal to understanding and predicting climate warming. It’s also a dedication to the unseen creatures in peril below the melting ice. In this convergent world of the laboratory and beneath ice-melting oceans – timescales are colliding, we re-contextualise the bubble event, and we’ve opportunity to comprehend it’s impact and its potential as part of global ocean warming (and restoration).

Additional Images:

  • 2024 Goodrich: Everydrop-Everywhen
  • 2024 Goodrich: Everydrop-Everywhen


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