“FLOW” by Georgie Pinn, Tara Pattenden

  • ©, ,



Artist(s) and People Involved:



Artist Statement:

    Georgie Pinn is an interactive creative technologist who makes large-scale multi-sensory art experiences in public space using projection mapping and interactive generative animation. Her creative process is driven by a long term research into how immersive tech and intimate storytelling can be used to connect people, dissolving prejudice, bias and fear through empathy. She has over two decades of experience working as an audiovisual content creator, developing ideas for festivals, cultural institutions, AR and VR experiences, music videos and sets for theater and fashion.

    She explores new creative forms of expression by triggering electronic sound and real-time animation with motion capture gestural devices, allowing the public to manipulate the audiovisual layers of her work. As they embed themselves into her artwork, they gain creative agency, blurring the line between artist and audience. These projects creatively explore the physical installation space but also the augmented dimension and the virtual worlds, offering multiple outcomes for her ideas to reach diverse audiences.

    Georgie’s work is intimate, she personalizes and personifies technology, giving it a story, harnessing emotional intelligence and giving agency to the audience to express and connect.


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