“Greater Sunrise” by Rebecca Ross

  • ©, ,
  • Installation view of Rebecca Ross 'Greater Sunrise' in 'Strange Weather' at UniSC Art Gallery


    Greater Sunrise

Artist(s) and People Involved:

    Exhibiting Artist(s):




    20 minutes

Artist Statement:

    This work focuses on the seabed of the Timor Sea and Indian Ocean, specifically Greater Sunrise, a gas field discovered in 1974 and stalled for decades due to disagreements and maritime disputes between the joint venture partners, and the Timor-Leste and Australian Governments.

    ‘Greater Sunrise’ comprises a 20-minute kaleidoscopic video montage of mostly news footage related to the gas field found in the public domain and a score featuring a sound healing instrument. The work is projected in large scale inside a space screened by a curtain made from shade cloth. On the floor are triangular cushions made from the same material.

    The work presents a case for the intersections of geopolitics, extractive industries and climate change; however, it is an abstract view that encourages viewers to contemplate and awaken to the complications of energy sustainability, politics, and human impact on our environment.

Additional Images:

  • 2024 Ross: Greater Sunrise
  • 2024 Ross: Greater Sunrise


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