“Matter and Matrix (Wallum Heathland)” by Ross Manning
- Matter and Matrix (Wallum Heathland)
Artist(s) and People Involved:
Exhibiting Artist(s):
Artist Statement:
‘Matter and Matrix (Wallum Heathland)’ 2024 builds a new techno-physical landscape that mirrors the relocation process of a wallum heathland for the development of the University of the Sunshine Coast. This intricate process saw a cut and paste of the physical landscape, where each plant was GPS tracked and replanted within an accuracy of up to 10mm to its original collected ecosystem.
Recorded onsite at the new location of the wetlands, the pristine aquamarine and blue waterscapes of ‘Matter and Matrix (Wallum Heathland)’ allude to the complex falsehoods and regenerative philosophies involved in the translocation of this land segment. This new virtual yet physical landscape mirrors the high-tech recording and GPS gridding of a natural environment, both as a physical transportation of a landscape like Wallum Heathland or via the perpetual satellite mapping of the land online.