“MediGesture” by Ziyuan Zhu

  • ©, ,



Artist(s) and People Involved:

    Exhibiting Artist(s):

    • Ziyuan Zhu -
      • Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)



Artist Statement:

    How might we make the meditation experience more customized and personalized?

    MediGesture is a multimodal application that enables users to utilize voice and gesture to control the meditation process and customize their own experience. It is, also, an educational tool that introduces mudras to the one who wants to experience more origin and a fun meditation with the mudras. The interface is created using , and voice control, with which users can control the meditation interface with natural language to switch to different modes of meditation. The hand detection function with a webcam, which enables users to pose mudras, triggers customized chime sounds that aim for a customized meditation experience.


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