“Mutual Light” by Daniel Wayne Miller

  • ©, ,


    Mutual Light

Artist(s) and People Involved:



Artist Statement:

    In Mutual Light by Daniel Miller, visitors invisible infrared heat signature is made visible when the participant approaches one of ten interactive robotic flower forms. The changes in visitors body heat, proximity and air quality will cause the light sculptures to animate with light through temporal and color changes. In the center of each illuminated flower structure a long-range infrared thermometer takes readings of the invisible heat signature of a participant. In this project there is an observable relationship, where humans emit light in the infrared spectrum and the flowers respond by emitting light in the visible spectrum. This work visualizes that which usually goes unseen. Body temperature has long been understood as a gauge of wellness. Something that we are all too familiar with now given the global pandemic. This is essential-ly the same type of sensor that would be used by health screening personnel, except with greater range. At the same time the “robo-flora” will use distance sensors to precisely read visitors proximity to each flower and output different color values when body heat is at lower temperatures. Additionally, four of the ten interactive forms are also able to sense and respond to air quality in the local environment. Each of the light flower’s structures will be made from HDPE recycled plastic that the artist has reclaimed from used plastic milk jugs. Mutual Light looks to find novel uses for this material as an art form. Themes explored in this project include: social distancing, climate change, the body, social interaction, plant/human relation-ships, air quality, expanded awareness, plastic waste and sustainability.


Additional Images:

  • 2024 Miller: Mutual Light
  • 2024 Miller: Mutual Light


All Works by the Artist(s) in This Archive: