“No Plexus Performance” by No Plexus
- No Plexus Performance
Artist(s) and People Involved:
Exhibiting Artist Collective(s):
Artist Statement:
Enter a new holographic world in an epic feat of audio-visual art and technology at Double Vision, as part of ISEA 2024 EVERYWHEN. The final night of Double Vision sees an immersive live show from No Plexus.
No Plexus has worked with renowned stage designer Emmanuel Biard (Evian Christ, Koreless, Lotic) to develop an immersive live show for their debut album, featuring holographic display systems, extensive light programming and live-video feeds. The combination of these elements creates an exciting dark atmosphere that sets the tone for the themes of the album. These themes artfully intertwine deep sarcasm and Y2K nostalgia, portraying a ‘coming-of-age’ narrative within a society teetering on the brink of climate catastrophe and war. Audiences can expect a truly epic sensorial assault of electronic sound, light and image.