“One-second Encounters (24fps)” by Akihito Ito

  • ©, ,


    One-second Encounters (24fps)

Artist(s) and People Involved:

    Exhibiting Artist(s):





Artist Statement:

    I am going to show two movies edited at 24 frames per second. I set myself two rules en making these movies.

    Rule 1: Even though both movies, “People Coming & Going In Town “and “People Relaxing In A Cafe”, are made up of many short scenes, I wanted to create the same situation in both.

    Rule 2: Divide each scene into 24 frames. From scene to scene, the transition should take exactly one second. I followed both these rules.

    Despite the subtleness and uncertain flickering, there is a calculated moment of certain existence.

Additional Images:

  • 2002 Ito One-second Encounters (24fps)


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