“Our Things” by Juliette Séjourné

  • ©, ,

Artist Statement:

    “Our things” is an artistic response, based on scientific research and documentation, to the current context of modernisation and perpetuation of nuclear arsenals, as well as the possible resumption of testing. The goal of this research-creation project is to reveal to a wide audience, in an accessible and sensitive way, an updated history of the military nuclearisation of the world, towards today’s awareness, since ignorance of the nuclear bomb history grows in the general public as the memory of Hiroshima fades.

    In an immersive environment, the participant can listen, through spatialised data sonification, to the chronology and different characteristics of nuclear explosions, as well as their lasting effects.

    In addition to a Styly presentation as part of ISEA 2024 online creative works, “Our Things” will be presented at an artist talk on June 24 during the virtual academic conference program.

    This project was initially formalised during a residency at the research unit Nuclear Knowledges (CERI Sciences Po Paris).


Additional Images:

  • 2024 Séjourné: Our Things
  • 2024 Séjourné: Our Things


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