“para//e/s” by Jae-Eun Suh

  • ©, ,



Artist(s) and People Involved:



Artist Statement:

    para//e/s is an audio-visual piece that explores imaginative and creative interpretations of parallel worlds. Developed as part of a three-month collaborative project between a new media artist and two composers, the work delves into the theme of parallel worlds and multiverse. Utilizing a five-screen video projection with fixed media sound, the piece navigates through multiple layers of parallel worlds and perspectives using diverse tools and mediums. Through open-ended prompts and collaborative discussions, the work investigates the concept of multiplicity, integrating storytelling elements both visually and sonically. The work explores notions of space and time, incorporating elements such as déjà vu and the Big Bang theory. para//e/s presents imaginative iterations of parallel universes: a world made of mirrors; a world without gravity; a world where humankind consists of alternate physical forms; a world where humans are extinct and; a world where motion is visually manifested through overwhelming color.


Additional Images:

  • 2024 Suh: para//e/s
  • 2024 Suh: para//e/s


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