“Reworlding: Play The World We Want” by Troy Innocent

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    Reworlding: Play The World We Want

Artist(s) and People Involved:

    Exhibiting Artist(s):




    Saturday 22 – Sunday 30 June 2024

Artist Statement:

    So, you want to imagine a different world? Start with urban play.

    Reworlding: Meanjin is an immersive role-playing game set on the streets of Meanjin/Brisbane in 2050. You are invited to join artist and academic Troy Innocent on a three-hour journey through the inner-city, working with your group to imagine a Meanjin of the future. Along the way, take part in urban role-play encompassing augmented reality, participatory games and sound. At the end of your journey, return to the Museum to share your findings together.

    ‘Reworlding’ is a form of speculative and relational world-building. To ‘reworld’ is to nurture and develop existing patterns in culture, nature and society – evolution over revolution. Reworlding embraces actions for change, do-it-yourself skills and speculative design to answer the question: when one world collapses, how do we build the next?

    Reworlding: Meanjin was developed in conversation with Warunghu, Aunty Raelene Baker and Museum of Brisbane experts. The project expands on a previous iteration, Reworlding: Play The World We Want, presented in Naarm/Melbourne by RMIT future play lab during Melbourne Design Week 2023. The game was designed using research provided by Aboriginal Elders, urbanists, designers, artists, policymakers and game makers.

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