“Spatialized Concert” by Laura Barrett

  • ©, ,
  • Album cover from laurabarrett.net


    Spatialized Concert

Artist(s) and People Involved:



Artist Statement:

    Concert/Sound Event, La Station – Gare des Mines, May 21

    SoundWays Paris x Toronto – audio AR on mobile phone

    Outdoor presentation on SoundWays (geolocalized listening platform) of five immersive sound works by the duos Nova Materia (FR-CL), OttoannA, Parhelic Shell (FR), Laura Barrett X Slowpitchsound (CA) and Stefana Fratila (CA). Program proposed with the support of Toronto Transit Corporation, the City of Toronto, the French Institute and the City of Paris as part of an artistic exchange project conceived on the occasion of A More Beautiful Journey: a commission of 30 immersive sound creations for the city of Toronto.

    Cooperation by:

    1. Station – Gare des Mines
    2. CNM
    3. Région Île-de-France
    4. Dark Euphoria
    5. L’Institut Convergences Migrations (ICM)
    6. La Plateforme MAS (Musique – Audio – Sons)
    7. Radio france
    8. Institut français
    9. Ville de Paris
    10. Canada Council for the Arts
    11. Toronto Arts Council
    12. City of Toronto
    13. The Daniels Corporation


All Works by the Performer(s) in This Archive:

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