“Te Hihili o Te Ahi (The Energy of Fire)” by Pasha Ian Clothier
- Te Hihili o Te Ahi (The Energy of Fire)
Artist(s) and People Involved:
- Pasha Ian Clothier
- Solar Circuit Aotearoa New Zealand
- Pasha Ian Clothier
- Solar Circuit Aotearoa New Zealand
Filmmaker, Video Artist, or Animator(s):
Artist Statement:
In a Tahitian world view, everything has a mauri, an essential being or energy, a vital presence. In this video I aim to express the transformational Hihili (Energy) of Ahi (Fire). It opens and closes with the sound of the putorino tane (traditional instrument) by Darren Robert Terama Ward, includes fire audio by Dynamicell, sonified carbon nanotube experiments courtesy Ayen Deng (Nanotechnology Institute University of Texas at Dallas), with NASA and ESA images of comets and meteors. Carbon flies around the universe; everything is interconnected from the smallest level to the largest.