“Tree, my guide” by Taara Minds

  • ©, ,


    Tree, my guide

Artist(s) and People Involved:



Artist Statement:

    Tree, my guide reveals my personal experience through “body art”. I am a researcher in the aesthetic space through the vital dynamics of the entire body. The archetypal tree is the guide to my experimentation because it explores, like me, its dimension of being in fractal space. Likewise, each work that makes up Tree, May Guide initially comes from a photograph of a tree, which will be enriched with its own meaning thanks to the multiple modifications it has undergone. These works which compose it are initiatory journeys, witnesses of our origins in connection with all of creation. This is why they are living entities which evolve through space and time, portals opening onto the dimension of being which most often escapes us. Stimulating innovative thinking, they are revealing mirrors of self-experience. In this context, ordinary existence is coupled with a superior existence resulting from art. Like the works that compose it, Tree, my guide is a journey. Its trajectory is a loop, a return to oneself, the momentary synthesis of my artistic activity, but, like an ellipse, it is not a return to the same thing, which makes it a new vehicle enriched with its own content.


Additional Images:

  • 2024 Minds: Tree, my guide
  • 2024 Minds: Tree, my guide


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