“Latin American MediaArt: Political Dimensions of the Archive of the International Image Festival” presented by Londoño Lópes and Mateo
Session Title:
- Summit on New Media Art Archiving (full papers)
Presentation Title:
- Latin American MediaArt: Political Dimensions of the Archive of the International Image Festival
Presentation Subtheme:
- Fourth Summit on New Media Art Archiving
Working to configure contemporary visualities as a way of under-standing our realities must be done by paying attention to all of them, as they weave our view of the world. What has happened in the Latin American context in recent decades in the artistic practices of media art is central to all of this, and building archives with all that has been generated – since the archive is memory – is essential to break down the hegemonic discourses that shape an unbalanced and unsustainable world.
The present investigation gathers a synthetic retrospective of these realities and configuration of visualities and contributes the pro-cesses that have marked the creation of the archive of the Festival Internacional de la Imagen, the most relevant and traditional in Latin America, posing archival challenges of a visuality in conflict.