“A Decade of Technoetic Innovation: Celebrating 10 Years of the Roy Ascott Studio Advanced Program at ISEA 2024 – Roy Ascott 90th Anniversary and the Planetary Collegium 40th Anniversary in 2024” presented by Ribeiro, Ascott and Zhang
Session Title:
- Roy Ascott Studio Celebration (institutional presentations)
Presentation Title:
- A Decade of Technoetic Innovation: Celebrating 10 Years of the Roy Ascott Studio Advanced Program at ISEA 2024 - Roy Ascott 90th Anniversary and the Planetary Collegium 40th Anniversary in 2024
Presentation Subtheme:
- Shifting temporalities
In 2024, the Roy Ascott Studio Advanced Program in Technoetic Arts marks a significant milestone—its 10th anniversary. This institutional presentation at ISEA 2024 aims to showcase the journey of the program, highlighting the innovative works and outcomes produced by its talented 4th-year and 3rd-year students who were incentivized to submit short papers and artist talk proposals to the ISEA 2024 Student stream. Roy Ascott and Clarissa Ribeiro— Technoetic Arts Program Director and the recipient of the Pete Townshend Endowed Senior Lecturership in Performative Technoetics (2023-2024), will shed light on the intersection of art, science, and technology, as manifested in the students’ projects and the studio education radical innovative philosophy. A unique element of the proposal involves organizing an edition of the ‘LASER talks at Roy Ascott Studio’ at ISEA 2024, providing a platform for intellectual exchange and exploration of aspects of Technoetic Aesthetics. The Planetary Collegium was conceived and established by Roy Ascott as the Centre for Advanced Inquiry in the Interactive Arts (CAiiA) 30 years ago, in 1994, at the University of Wales, Newport. At ISEA 2024, the joint celebration invites former Planetary Collegium Ph.D. researchers to contribute by sending short video testimonials, showcasing the evolution of Technoetic Arts from their particular perspectives over 30 decades of history. This joint celebration at ISEA 2024 is intended to serve as a testament to the global impact of the Planetary Collegium program in our field worldwide and the impact of the Advanced Program in Technoetic Arts designed by Professor Roy Ascott with the collaboration of Clarissa Ribeiro and the seminal team back in 2014. The short video messages from former Planetary Collegium Ph.D. researchers and former students from the T Technoetic Arts Program in China will be shared, offering heartfelt congratulations on the 90th birthday of Professor Roy Ascott.