“Noise” presented by Song and Choi

  • ©ISEA2015: 21st International Symposium on Electronic Art, Yun Song and Jong Soo Choi, Noise
  • ©ISEA2015: 21st International Symposium on Electronic Art, Yun Song and Jong Soo Choi, Noise
  • Video still from youTube


Presentation Title:

  • Noise



  • In the society we live in we have norms to follow. We have our own ‘right to freedom’ accompanying our responsibility and duty. However, individualism gradually overflows the society, as we begin to realize our rights. Individualism is led to consequential instigation and defiance against others. It can cause a victim mentality if basic ethics and morality go unheeded. This also becomes a key factor, for destroying the social norm, when the uneasiness among social members becomes aggravated. This belief started from a concern of my rational judgment as to whether or not it meets permitted norms. I am further concerned about my actions and behavior as it can cause uneasiness in others. These are all feelings of doubt I have about myself. As I mentioned above, solidarity among social members and unstable agreement with oneself can cause internal conflict. This conflict always draws people into confusion.
    This work is 3D interactive installation using the hand tracking of leap motion. When seeing the art consider the cross strips (closely packed paper) that are packed upper, lower, left and right of the image. This is our conscious system, which seems separate from each other, but a straight line does in fact, connect the points to each other. This straight line points out the individualism that crosses the social norm. In this art work there is a total of 625 particles. They are arranged in a 2D sequence, each sequence contains 25 particles. The particles at the center respond to a physical motion in a virtual space. Within the particles there is a leap cam that will recognize the location of a hand. When the hand is located the particle will move, and the wave will be occurred based on the degree of pressure exerted. This is all based on the initial value of the particles in the Y AXIS `0`. A sound interference gradually occurs when there is a great increase or decrease in the wave. Reversely, the interference is barely heard in a calm wave with little change. (-0.5 ~0.5)
    Therefore, the sound of interference caused through the interaction is to present the confusion in human ecosystem and the exceptional circumstances in the social norm. This is to criticize that mankind has a forked tongue – we are deeply concerned about how we plan our life while failing to comply with the moral norms.



  • This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea grant funded by the Korea government(MSIP)(No. NRF-2014R1A2A1A11049986) and BK21 plus.
