Simon Biggs

Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • National Institute for Computer Animation (SCAN)

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


    Simon Biggs (AU/UK/NL) teaches at the National Institute for Computer Animation SCAN, Groningen, NL


    Simon Biggs (born Adelaide, Australia 1957) is a media artist, writer and curator with interests in digital poetics, auto-generative and interactive systems, performative environments, interdisciplinary research and co-creation. His work has been widely presented, including at Tate Modern, Tate Liverpool, Tate Britain, Institute of Contemporary Arts London, Centre for Contemporary Arts Glasgow, Kettles Yard Cambridge, Centre Pompidou Paris, Academy de Kunste Berlin, Berlin Kulturforum, Rijksmuseum Twenthe, Kunsthalle Bergen, Maxxi Rome, Palazzo della Arti Naples, Macau Arts Museum, Oi Futuro Rio de Janeiro, Arizona State Art Museum, San Francisco Cameraworks, Walker Art Center Minneapolis and the Art Gallery of New South Wales. He has presented at numerous international conferences, including the International Symposium on Electronic Art, ePoetry, Society for Literature, Science and the Arts, Electronic Literature Organisation and Festival International Literature Electronica Sao Paulo and at Cambridge, Newcastle, Cornell, UC Davis, UC Santa Barbara, Paris8, Sorbonne and Bergen Universities, amongst others. Publications include Remediating the Social (2012, editor), Autopoeisis (with James Leach, 2004), Great Wall of China (1999), Halo (1998), Magnet (1997) and Book of Shadows (1996). He has been lead investigator on a number of significant international research projects and supervises several PhD students. He is currently Professor of Art at the University of South Australia and Honorary Professor at the University of Edinburgh.


    Simon Biggs, Edinburgh College of Art, University of Edinburgh, UK.


    Simon Biggs is a vi­sual artist born in Aus­tralia, 1957. He moved to the UK in 1986. Since 1978 Biggs has been work­ing with dig­i­tal and in­ter­ac­tive sys­tems in in­stal­la­tion, net­worked and other media. Venues pre­sent­ing his work in­clude Tate Mod­ern, Whitechapel, In­sti­tute of Con­tem­po­rary Arts (Lon­don), Ikon (Birm­ing­ham), Cen­tre de Georges Pom­pi­dou, Acad­emy de Kun­ste and Kul­tur­fo­rum (Berlin), Rijksmu­seum Twen­the, Macau Arts Mu­seum, Cam­er­a­works (San Fran­cisco), Walker Art Cen­ter, Paco des Artes (Sao Paulo), Museo OI (Rio De Janeiro), Mc­Dougall Art Gallery (Christchurch), Ex­per­i­men­tal Art Foun­da­tion (Ade­laide) and the Art Gallery of New South Wales. He has been keynote at nu­mer­ous in­ter­na­tional con­fer­ences, most re­cently at Cor­nell Uni­ver­sity’s 2010 an­nual So­ci­ety for the Hu­man­i­ties Con­fer­ence. Pub­li­ca­tions in­clude Au­topoei­sis (with James Leach, Art­words, 2004), Halo (Film and Video Um­brella, 1998), Mag­net (Mc­Dougall Art Gallery, 1997) and CD-ROMs Book of Shad­ows and Great Wall of China (El­lip­sis, 1996 and 1999). He is Pro­fes­sor at Ed­in­burgh Col­lege of Art, UK.


Last Known Location:

  • Australia

Previous Location(s):

  • GB

International Programme Committee:


Symposium Presentations:


