ISEA2022: 27th International Symposium on Electronic Art
ISEA2022: [Overview] [Venues] [Presentations] [Workshops] [Art Events] [Gallery]
27th International Symposium on Electronic Art
Barcelona, Catalonia Spain
10 - 16 June, 2022
Organised by:
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
In Cooperation With:
Centre for Contemporary Culture of Barcelona (CCCB), Santa Monica, Generalitat de Catalunya – Departament de Cultura, Barcelona City Council, MACBA archive and library, Hac Te, and New Art Foundation
ISEA, International Symposium on Electronic Art, is one of the most important annual events worldwide dedicated to the crossroads where art, design, science, technology and society meet.
The event has been held over 26 times all over the world, and after more than 10 years since it last graced European soil, it touches down in Barcelona. With it comes an enthusiastic international and local community, ready to work together to develop this interdisciplinary field.
As it has travelled the globe over the years, ISEA has served as a meeting point for artists, scientists, technologists and theorists to share their research along with their latest prototypes, technological developments or artistic works linked to science and technology.
What makes ISEA unique is that it is not so much an academic conference as a conference-based event that offers a wide array of activities, which surprise visitors with newly conceived formats in every edition.
At the symposium you are sure to find exhibitions, workshops, open-air projects, round tables, talks from artists, school initiatives and a variety of other activities, all with the involvement of different organisations and communities from the city of Barcelona.
ISEA2022 reinforces Barcelona’s role as a leader in research and scientific output, intellectuality and cultural creativity in both a national and international context.
It is a multifaceted event that seeks to explore the intersections between art, design, science and technology in all its aspects.
It is at the same time interdisciplinary, inter-institutional, intersectoral and international, making it possible to bring together in a single event a congress for academic and independent researchers, an open conference program, round tables, a professional meeting space, a set of exhibitions of artistic pieces, demos and prototypes, workshops, performances and artists talks open to the city and citizens with the complicity and involvement of local and international agents.
Organising Committee:
General Chair/Director: Pau Alsina (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)
Vice Director: Irma Vilà (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)
Academic Chairs:Susanna Tesconi (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)
Joan Soler-Adillon (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)
Enric Mor (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)Humans and non humans Chair: Andrés Burbano (Universidad de los Andes)
Natures and Worlds Chair: Laura Benítez (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
Futures and Heritages Chair: Vanina Hofman (Universitat Rovira i Virgili)
Educations and Societies Chair: Aida Sánchez de Serdio (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)
Artworks Chair: Pau Waelder (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)
Screenings Chair: Gemma San Cornelio (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)
Performances Chairs:Laia Blasco (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)
Mónica Rikić (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)Artists talks Chair: Luz María Sánchez (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)
Posters Chair: David Merino (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)
Demos Chair: Pierre Bourdin (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)
Workshops Chair: Efraín Foglia (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)
Institutional Presentations Chair: Alba Colombo (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)
Communication & Web Chairs:Andrea García (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)
Paloma González (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)Online Program Chairs:
Lluc Massaguer (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)
Amalia Creus (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)Artistic Committee:
Pau Alsina (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)
Irma Vilà (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)
Tere Badia (Culture Action Europe)
Vicente Matallana (New Art Foundation)
Pau Waelder(Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)Summit on New Media Art Committee:
Bonnie Mitchell (Bowling Green State University)
Jan Searleman (Clarkson University)
Wim van der Plas (ISEA Symposium Archives)
Terry C. W. Wong (Simon Fraser University)
Introductory and Welcoming Notes:
ISEA2022 Opening Ceremony
Title: ISEA2022 Main Ceremony
Annual General Meetings:
Informal Get-together:
ISEA2022 Exhibition Opening at La Capella
Title: ISEA2022 Exhibition Opening at Recinte Modernista de Sant Pau
Title: ISEA2022 Exhibition Opening at Santa Mònica - La irrupció
Possibles not only open up an unfinished world of futures before us, but also presents and pasts behind us.
The Possible is openness and movement, a horizon of change that unfolds and organizes the world.
The Possible started with the polis, the city, and is political by definition.
The Possible has nothing to do with the unreal, the impossible, or the fictitious, but rather with the unfinished real in front of us.
The Possible shapes our reality, and that is precisely why it is a political problem in itself. From “everything is possible” to “be realistic and ask for the impossible”, from an “infinitude of possible worlds” to “this is not possible and cannot be done”.
Sometimes we are trapped in a world of pre-designed Possibles – “this is it” – where it seems that nothing could have been left out, there are no alternatives. Sometimes it is living an illusion of freedom in an impossible world where the critical just disappears. How to open towards contingency, not only to the becoming but also its uncertainty?
How to draw new Possibles to come, and not just confirming those that are there waiting to be confirmed, experienced and thought, as Possibles that can be brought to existence in our worldview? How to move from the impossible, the fable or the utopia to directly bite into our reality?
The Possible is inscribed within the arts, design, sciences and technologies that surround us now and those yet to come.
We see these Possibles behind climate change and global warming, behind robotics and biotechnologies, inside algorithms, artificial intelligence and data science, in between quantic worlds trying to get a grasp of what matter is, up there above our heads in outer space and the multiverse.
Human and Non-human
Neuroscience, Technological Singularity, Human Brain, Artificial Life, Brain-Computer Interface, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics
- What does it mean to be a human now?
- How do we relate with the non-humans?
- How do we become bodies in the world?
- How do we construct and gain knowledge?
- How to develop the interaction between human and machine?
- And with the other animals?
These are some of the questions behind this sub-theme that focuses on the possible humans and non-humans that we are, redesigning ourselves and the things around us through new perspectives that open these Possibles in an unfinished world that shapes our existence.
Natures and worlds
Space Art, Biotechnologies, Climate Change, Complex Networks, Quantum Art or Nano Arts, Hypernatural, Global Warming, Speculative Design, Bio Art
- How do we understand and experience life nowadays?
- How do we relate with nature?
- How to fight climate change and global warming?
- How do we transform and inhabit our world?
- How would we inhabit other worlds that we long to discover and experience?
- And how about the universe, the outer space and the planets we dream about?
In a context where all Possibles seem to be closed towards a dystopian future where we are heading , it is crucial to open these Possibles that are waiting to be unfolded, thought and experienced as the Other to come.
Futures and Heritages
Data Science, Augmented Reality, Histories, Preservation, Collections, Documentation, Data Visualization, Virtual Reality
- Which is the role of history?
- How can we construct our futures?
- What is the role of the arts in all this?
- How should we take care of our past and heritage?
- How to remember and forget when there is so much information available?
- How to create meaning and sense in a world overflowed with data?
The way we conceive our past, memory and history structures our present and creates our future to come. From Digital Oblivion and Technological Obsolescence, this sub-theme moves forward and backward to an Archaeology of Media that suggests possible futures and heritages.
Educations and Societies
Labs and Maker Education, Education as Culture Creation, Art Residencies, Recognition of Diversity, Festivals and Events, Cultivating the Possible, Meaningful STEAM learning environments, Epistemological Pluralism, Constructionism, Artistic Research, Pedagogy as Artistic Practice, Art and Design production centers and Labs
- How to experience and learn from inter/multi/trans/anti-disciplinarity?
- How to integrate the arts into science and technology and the other way around?
- Which experiences need to be shared to reinforce that connection?
- How and why is there a need to congregate around events such as festivals or conferences?
- What can we learn from this?
- What experiences from art and design production and research centres and programmes do we need to be familiar with and replicate?
These are some of the questions that stem from the relationship between education and society, that place where citizenship comes to be and interlaces with the rest
Other Committees:
Santa Mònica Curatorial Team:
Marta Gracia (Santa Mònica)
Enric Puig (Santa Mònica)
Jara Rocha (Santa Mònica)Extended Program
Project Manager: Astrid Rousse (Hac Te)
Program transversality, museums and archives coordinator: Marta Millet
Education coordinators:Laura Malinverni (Universitat de Barcelona)
Cristina Valero (CosiCosa)Artistic coordinator: Núria Marquès
Scientific coordinator: Irene Lapuente (La Mandarina de Newton)
Conference Coordinator: Arianna Esposito (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)
Communication coordinator: Adriana Valero (Hac Te)
Communication assistant: Eva López
Institutional relations: Jaume Moregó (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)
Corporate advisor: Josep Maria Civit
Technical Secretariat:Antonio Ponce (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)
Patrícia Díaz (Kenes Group)
Lorena Granda (Kenes Group)Institutional Committee:
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya: Josep A. Planell (Rector)
Generalitat de Catalunya:Pere Aragonès (President)
Natàlia Garriga (Minister of Research and Universities)
Joana Barbany (General director of Digital Society)Ajuntament de Barcelona:
Ada Colau (Mayor)
Jordi Martí Grau (Deputy Mayor for Culture)
Laia Bonet (Deputy Mayor for Digital Transition)New Art Foundation: Andreu Rodríguez (President)
Hac Te:Josep A. Planell (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)
Daniel Crespo (UPC)
Lluís Torner (CFO)
Mateo Valero (BSC-CNC)
Gabriel Silberman (BIST)
Miquel Martí (Tech Barcelona)
Anna Manubens (Hangar)
Constantí Serrallonga (Fira de Barcelona)
Ricard Robles (Sónar)
Pepe Serra (MNAC)
Andreu Rodríguez (NAF)Diputació de Tarragona: Noemí Llauradó (President)
Ajuntament de Reus: Carles Pellicer (Major)Steering Committee
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya:
Pastora Martínez
Joan Fuster
Daniel Riera
Jordi Sánchez-Navarro
Pau Alsina
Irma VilàGeneralitat de Catalunya – Departament de Cultura:
Josep Vives (General director of Cultural Promotion and Libraries)
Marisol López (General director of Innovation and Digital Culture)Ajuntament de Barcelona:
Daniel Granados (Delegate of Cultural Rights)
Júlia Miralles (Delegate of Science and Universities)New Art Foundation:Vicente Matallana (Director)
Judit Carreras
Carlota Broggi
Susanna AriasSanta Mònica: Enric Puig (Director)
MACBA: Elvira Dyangani (Director)
Hac Te:
Carme Fenoll (UPC)
Lydia Sanmartí (ICFO)
Fernando Cucchietti (BSC-CNC)
Àlex González (BIST)
Miquel Martí (Tech Barcelona)
Anna Manubens (Hangar)
Francesc Solà (Fira de Barcelona)
Ricard Robles (Sónar)
Víctor Magrans (MNAC)
Astrid Rousse (Hac Te)GRANTS
Fundació Sorigué: Ana Vallés (President)
Fundació Privada Redis: Carme Buixeda (President)
Fundació Ernesto Ventos / Nasevo: María Reyes Soler-Cabot Serra (President)
DKV: Javier Vega de Seoane (President)
International Programme Committee:
- Tania Aedo Arankowsky
- Laboratorio Arte Alameda
- Mexico
- Pau Alsina
- Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
- Spain
- Jordi Alberich-Pascual
- Universidad de Granada
- Spain
- José Ramón Alcalá Mellado
- Spain
- Rodrigo Alonso
- La Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero (UNTREF)
- Brazil
- Peter Anders
- Kayvala
- United States
- Lucía Arias
- Foundation for Art and Creative Technology (FACT)
- United Kingdom
- Edwige Armand
- Institut National Polytechnique de Purpan
- France
- Pat Badani
- Columbia College Chicago
- United States
- Laura Baigorri
- University of Barcelona
- Spain
- Camille Carol Baker
- University for the Creative Arts
- SMARTlab
- United Kingdom
- Ero Balsa
- Digital Life Initiative-Cornell Tech
- United States
- Domna Banakou
- Tina Bastajian
- Sandberg Institute
- Netherlands
- Alain Baumann
- Koniclab
- Spain
- Laura Beloff
- Aalto University
- Denmark
- Mónica Bello
- Switzerland
- Janet Bellotto
- Zayed University
- United Arab Emirates
- Roser Beneito-Nontagut
- Cardiff Metropolitan University, Cardiff, UK
- United Kingdom
- Laura Benítez
- Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB)
- Spain
- Peter Bentley
- University College London
- United Kingdom
- José Manuel Berenguer
- University of Barcelona
- Spain
- Maria Clara Bernal
- Universidad de los Andes
- Colombia
- Erich Berger
- boiart society
- Finland
- Laia Blasco-Soplon
- Spain
- Elena Blesa Cábez
- Universidad de Granada
- Spain
- Eleonora Bilotta
- University of Calabria
- Italy
- Clara Boj Tovar
- Universitat Politècnica de Valencia (UPV)
- Spain
- María Boto
- University College of Ghent
- Belgium
- Pierre Bourdin Kreitz
- Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
- Spain
- Alfie Bown
- Royal Holloway University of London
- United Kingdom
- Andreas Broeckmann
- V2
- Netherlands
- Jonah Brucker-Cohen
- Lehman College
- United States
- Karla Schuch Brunet
- University of Bahia
- Brazil
- Bani Brusadin
- University of Barcelona
- Spain
- Brogan Stuart Bunt
- University of Wollongong
- Australia
- Andrés Burbano
- Universiat Oberta de Catalunya
- Spain
- Raquel Caerlos
- Complutense University of Madrid
- Spain
- Antonio Calleja-López
- Universiat Oberta de Catalunya
- Spain
- Blanca Callen
- Universitat de Vic
- Spain
- Mar Canet Sola
- Tallinn University
- Estonia
- Amílcar Cardoso
- University of Coimbra
- Polytechnic Institute of Cávado and Ave
- Portugal
- Luca Carrubba
- Arsgames
- David Casacuberta
- Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB)
- Spain
- Álvaro Cassinelli
- City University of Hong Kong
- Hong Kong SAR China
- Pau Cata
- University of Edinburgh
- United Kingdom
- Daniel Cermak-Sassenrath
- IT University of Copenhagen
- Denmark
- Antonio Cerveira Pinto
- The New Art Fest
- Erik Champion
- University of South Australia
- Australia
- Carlos Clemente
- Alba Colombo
- Universiat Oberta de Catalunya
- Spain
- Deborah Cornell
- Boston University
- United States
- Digna Couso
- Spain
- Daniel Cruz
- Universidad de Chile
- Chile
- David Cuartielles
- Malmö University
- Sweden
- Salomé Cuesta Valera
- Universitat Politècnica de Valencia (UPV)
- Spain
- Nina Czegledy
- University of Toronto (U of T)
- Canada
- Kevin Dahan
- De Montfort University
- United Kingdom
- Pep Dardanyà
- Escola Massana
- Spain
- Ricardo Dal Farra
- Concordia University
- Canada
- Marie du Chastel
- Kikk Festival Belgium
- Belgium
- Hans Dehlinger
- University of Kassel
- Germany
- Annet Dekker
- University of Amsterdam
- Netherlands
- Melissa A. Dela Merced
- University of the Philippines Film Institute
- Philippines
- Diego Diaz
- Universitat Jaume I
- Spain
- Lily Diaz
- University of Art and Design Helsinki TAIK
- Puerto Rico
- Rick Dolphijn
- Universiteit Utrecht
- Netherlands
- Johanna Drucker
- University of California Los Angeles
- United States
- Ernest Edmonds
- University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
- De Montfort University, UK.
- United Kingdom
- Katerina El Raheb
- University of Peloponnese
- Greece
- Juliana España Keller
- Concordia University
- Canada
- Aderito Fernandes Marcos
- University of Saint Joseph
- China
- Jordi Ferreiro
- Jaume Ferrer
- Jaume Ferrte Vazquez
- Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
- Spain
- Scott Fitzgerald
- New York University Abu Dhabi
- United Arab Emirates
- Jose Ignacio Fiz
- Universitat Rovira i Virgili
- Spain
- Mary Flanagan
- Dartmouth College
- United States
- Efrain Foglia
- Universitat de Vic
- Spain
- Oriol Fontdevila
- Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
- Spain
- Angus Forbes
- Media Arts & Technology program at UC Santa Barbara
- United States
- Santiago Fort
- LaSalle Universitat Ramon Llull
- Spain
- Philip Galanter
- Texas A&M University
- United States
- Marina Garces
- Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
- Spain
- Marcos Garcia
- Esteban García Bravo
- Purdue University
- United States
- Lino Garcia Morales
- Universidad Complutense de Madrid
- Spain
- Daniel Gasol
- Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
- Spain
- Charlie Gere
- University of Lancaster
- United Kingdom
- Sue Gollifer
- University of Brighton
- United Kingdom
- Paloma González Días
- Olga Goriunova
- Royal Holloway University of London
- United Kingdom
- Carlos Gollifer
- Instituto Politécnico de Leiria
- Portugal
- Oliver Grau
- Humboldt University Berlin
- Danube Univeristy
- Germany
- Carlos Grilo
- Polytechnic Institute of Leiria
- Portugal
- Laurent Grisoni
- University of Lille
- France
- Varvara Guljajeva
- Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- Hong Kong SAR China
- Esteban Gutiérrez Jiménez
- Universitaria Bellas Artes
- Colombia
- Kevin Hamilton
- University of Illinois
- United States
- Ross Rudesch Harley
- University of New South Wales
- Australia
- Jens Hauser
- Ruhr University Bochum
- France
- Vanina Hofman
- Spain
- Christopher Hogg
- Royal Holloway University of London
- United Kingdom
- Tincuta Heinzel
- Loughborough University
- United Kingdom
- Nicolas Hermansen
- Institut del Teatre
- Spain
- Raquel Herrera
- Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
- Spain
- Marina Hervas
- Universidad de Granada
- Spain
- Erkki Huhtamo
- University of California
- United States
- John Hyatt
- Liverpool John Moores University
- United Kingdom
- Hugo Felipe Idárraga Franco
- Universidad de los Andes
- Colombia
- Takashi Ikegami
- University of Tokyo
- Japan
- Marla Jacarilla
- Julian Jaramillo Arango
- Caldas University, Colombia
- Colombia
- Janis Jefferies
- Goldsmiths University of London
- United Kingdom
- Gilles Jobin
- Cie Gilles Jobin
- Switzerland
- Sergi Jorda
- Universitat Pompeu Fabra
- Spain
- Montserrat Juve
- Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
- Spain
- Olga Kisseleva
- Sorbonne University
- France
- Peter Krapp
- University of Konstanz
- Germany
- Machiko Kusahara
- Waseda University
- Art-Sci Center
- Tokyo Institute of Polytechnics
- Digital Image
- Kobe University
- Japan
- Jorge La Ferla
- Universidad de Buenos Aires
- Argentina
- Rob La Frenais
- Bournemouth University
- United Kingdom
- Clara Laguillo
- Escola Superior de Disseny
- Spain
- Caroline Larboulette
- Université Bretagne Sud
- France
- Kepa Landa
- Universitat de Lleida
- Spain
- Tomás Laurenzo Coronel
- University of Colorado at Boulder
- United States
- Alain Lioret
- Université Paris 8
- France
- Wolf Lieser
- DAM Museum Berlin
- Germany
- Felipe Cesar Londoño Lópes
- Alejandra Lopez Gabrielidis
- Geert Lovink
- Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (Hogeschool van Amsterdam)
- Netherlands
- Alessandro Ludovico
- University of Southampton
- United Kingdom
- Rosa Llop
- BAU-UVic
- Spain
- Penousal Machado
- University of Coimbra
- Portugal
- Nicolas Malevé
- Roger F. Malina
- University of Texas at Dallas
- United States
- Laura Malinverni
- University of Barcelona
- Spain
- Moisés Mañas Carbonell
- Polytechnic University of Valencia
- Teresa Marín
- Universitas Miguel Hernández
- Àngels Margarit
- Mercat de les Flors
- Alejandro Martín
- Naranjo Projects
- Spain
- Estefanía Martín Fraile
- Sandra Martorell
- Universitat Politècnica de Valencia (UPV)
- Oscar Martin Correa
- Juan Martín Prada
- Universidad de Cádiz
- Spain
- Artur Matuck
- University of São Paulo
- Brazil
- Constanza Mendoza
- Marta de Menezes
- Cultivamos Cultura
- Portugal
- Massimo Menichinelli
- RMIT University
- Australia
- David Merino
- Universiat Oberta de Catalunya
- Spain
- Kerstin Mey
- University of Limerick
- Ireland
- Bill Miller
- University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
- United States
- Bonnie L. Mitchell
- Bowling Green State University
- United States
- Laurent Mignonneau
- University of Art and Design Linz (Kunst Universität Linz)
- France
- Valentina Montero
- Finis Terrae University (Universidad Finis Terrae)
- Chile
- Nick Montfort
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
- United States
- Enric Mor
- Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
- Lisa Moren
- University of Maryland, Baltimore
- United States
- Santiago Morilla Chinchilla
- Universidad Complutense de Madrid
- Spain
- Brad Moody
- United States
- Karl Moubarak
- Jaime Munárriz
- Universidad Complutense de Madrid
- Spain
- Adolfo Muñoz
- Technical University of Valencia (Universitat Politècnica De València)
- Spain
- Lluís Nacenta
- Antony Nevin
- Massey University
- New Zealand
- Ignacio Nieto
- Finis Terrae University (Universidad Finis Terrae)
- Chile
- Anne Nigten
- Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences
- Netherlands
- Anton Nijholt
- Imagineering Institute
- Malaysia
- Gunalan Niradajan
- University of Michigan
- United States
- Diarmuid P. O’Donoghue
- Maynooth University
- Ireland
- Karin Ohlesnchlaeger
- Pedro Ortuño
- University of Murcia
- Michael O’Rourke
- Pratt Institute
- United States
- Roc Pares
- Pompeu Fabra University
- Mexico
- Jussi Parikka
- University of Southampton
- Finland
- Jennifer Parker
- University of California at Santa Cruz
- United States
- Philippe Pasquier
- Simon Fraser University (SFU)
- Canada
- Christiane Paul
- The New School
- United States
- Virginia Paniagua
- UNED (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia)
- Spain
- Gail Pearce
- Royal Holloway, University Of London
- United Kingdom
- Nuria Peist
- University of Barcelona
- Spain
- Simon Penny
- University of California at Irvine
- United States
- Josep Perelló
- University of Barcelona
- Spain
- Mariana Pérez Bobadilla
- City University of Hong Kong
- Waag Future Lab
- Hong Kong SAR China
- Valentina Peri
- Mike Phillips
- Plymouth University
- United Kingdom
- Paula Pin Lage
- Glòria Picazo
- Gilbertto Prado
- Universidade de São Paulo
- Brazil
- Eloi Puig
- University of Barcelona
- Spain
- Søren Bro Pold
- Aarhus University
- Denmark
- Andrea Polli
- University of New Mexico
- United States
- Clàudia Prat
- Ángela Precht
- Centre D’art Santa Mònica
- Spain
- Maria Ptqk
- Spain
- Enric Puig Punyet
- Centre D’art Santa Mònica
- Spain
- Domenico Quaranta
- Italy
- Ingeborg Reichle
- University of Applied Arts in Vienna (AT)
- Austria
- Raquel Renno Nunes
- Cristian Reynaga
- Universidad De San Andrés
- Argentina
- Everardo Reyes
- Université Paris 8
- France
- Núria Rodríguez
- Universidad De Málaga
- Spain
- Brian Ross
- Brock University
- Canada
- Mandy Rose
- University of the West of England Bristol
- United Kingdom
- Robert Rowe
- New York University
- United States
- Martí Ruiz
- University of Barcelona
- Spain
- José Manuel Ruiz-Martin
- Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
- Spain
- Eduardo Adrian Russo
- Universidad Nacional de La Plata
- Argentina
- Cristina Sá
- Portuguese Catholic University
- Portugal
- Mehdi Sabet
- United Arab Emirates
- Chris Salter
- Concordia University
- Canada
- Gemma San Cornelio
- Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
- Spain
- Laia Sánchez
- Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB)
- Spain
- Luz Maria Sanchez Cardona
- Autonomous Metropolitan University
- Mexico
- Aida Sánchez de Serdio
- Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
- Spain
- Ramón Sangüesa
- Universitat Politècnica De Catalunya
- Spain
- Christina Schultz
- Jill Scott
- Zurich University of the Arts
- Switzerland
- Danielle Siembieda
- Leonardo, the International Society for Arts, Sciences, and Technology
- United States
- Don Sinclair
- York University
- Canada
- Fabien Siouffi
- Fabbula
- Joel A. Slayton
- San Jose State University
- United States
- Anna Solanilla I Roselló
- Institut del Teatre
- Spain
- Joan Soler-Adillon
- Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
- Spain
- Hugo Solís García
- Autonomous Metropolitan University
- Mexico
- Christa Sommerer
- University of Art and Design Linz (Kunst Universität Linz)
- Austria
- Winnie Soon
- Aarhus University
- Denmark
- Carles Sora
- Universitat Politècnica De Catalunya
- Spain
- Andrea Sosa
- National University of La Plata
- Argentina
- Nikos Stavropoulos
- Leeds Beckett University
- United Kingdom
- Victoria Szabo
- Duke University
- United States
- Valentina Tanni
- Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti
- Italy
- Jordan Tate
- University of Cincinnati
- United States
- Susanna Tesconi
- Universiat Oberta de Catalunya
- Spain
- Miwako Tezuka
- Arakawa
- Paul Thomas
- University of New South Wales
- Australia
- Reynaldo Thompson
- University of Guanajuato
- Mexico
- Paola Tognazzi
- Edinburgh Napier University
- United Kingdom
- Enrique Tomás
- Tangible Music Lab
- Austria
- Paz Tornero
- Universidad de Granada
- Spain
- Héctor Fabio Torres Cardona
- University of Caldas (Universidad de Caldas)
- Colombia
- Helena Torres Sbarbati
- Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
- Spain
- Ana Urroz
- University of Barcelona
- Spain
- Radu-Daniel Vatavu
- Romania
- Wim van der Plas
- Inter-Society for the Electronic Arts
- Netherlands
- Fernando Velázquez
- Pep Vidal
- Irma Vilá Òdena
- Universiat Oberta de Catalunya
- Spain
- Erandy Vergara-Vargas
- Printemps numérique
- Canada
- Victoria Vesna
- University of California Los Angeles
- United States
- Carlos Fadon Vicente
- The School of the Art Institute of Chicago
- University of São Paulo
- Brazil
- Carolin Vogler
- Mtf Labs
- Pau Waelder
- Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
- Spain
- Kym Ward
- Martin Warnke
- LEUPHANA University Lüneburg
- Germany
- Florian Wiencek
- Acdh-Ch Austrian Centre For Digital Humanities And Cultural Heritage
- Austria
- Hyun Seung Yang
- South Korea
- Mariela Yeregui
- La Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero (UNTREF)
- Argentina
- Ionat Zurr
- University of Western Australia
- Australia
- José-Carlos Mariátegui
- Alta Tecnología Andina (ATA)
- Peru