Is Digital Art Contemporary? Panel intro

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Is Digital Art Contemporary? Panel intro


Electronic arts have now formed an autonomous environment which has set up its own structures: institutions such as the Ars Electronica Center in Linz, the ZKM in Karlsruhe or the ICC in Tokyo and meetings such as the ISEA Symposium or the SIGGRAPH Art Gallery. However, it is difficult for electronic arts to fit into the circle of contemporary art in general, and there are nearly no digital works in large events such as Documenta in Kassel or the Biennial Festival in Venice nor in large museum institutions. Does this mean that there are diverging opinions on art? Is an intersection possible? How does one reconcile technological works and artistic content?

The goal of this round table is to open a dialogue between two worlds that seldom communicate, as well as perhaps to define new possible directions for contemporary electronic art.

Moderator: Philippe Codognet.

Panelist: Manuela de Barros, Hou Hanru, and Barbara London.

