Eden Un­ulata’s works in­ves­ti­gate the for­ma­tion of cul­tural iden­tity and how a so­ci­ety draws con­clu­sions from shared ex­pe­ri­ences. My in­tent is to un­der­stand the me­chan­ics of cul­tural iden­tity, high­light prob­lems that evolve from its for­ma­tion, and stim­u­late a de­bate on how to bet­ter man­age these prob­lems. When the iden­tity of a cul­ture and how it op­er­ates is ex­plored in-depth, so­lu­tions may re­veal them­selves.  BID, METU (Turkey); MFA, Graphic De­sign, Bilkent Uni­ver­sity (Turkey);  MA, De­part­ment of In­ter­dis­ci­pli­nary Arts, Co­lum­bia Col­lege Chicago. I have worked and ex­hib­ited in Chicago, IL., Ankara (Turkey), Adana (Turkey), Is­tan­bul (Turkey), Paris (France), and Ober­lin OH. I cur­rently live and work in Chicago, US.