Piibe Piirma

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Piibe Pi­irma is media artist, or­ga­nizer and teacher based in Tallinn, Es­to­nia.  She has worked as de­signer and vi­sual artist since 2002, also as teacher at new media de­part­ment of Es­ton­ian Acad­emy of Arts, in Uni­ver­sity of Tartu Vil­jandi Cul­ture Acad­emy and Es­ton­ian En­tre­pre­neur­ship Uni­ver­sity of Ap­plied Sci­ences (EUAS). Since 2006 Piibe Pi­irma was one  of or­ga­niz­ing team of Plek­trum, an an­nual vi­sual cul­ture fes­ti­val in Tallinn. She also worked as as­sis­tant on new media events like RAM3 (2003) and ISEA2004 in Tallinn. Piibe Pi­irma has or­ga­nized sev­eral dig­i­tal art work­shops at Poly­mer Fac­tory (al­ter­na­tive cul­ture cen­ter in Tallinn) and Old Town Ed­u­ca­tional Col­lege. Since 2009  Piibe Pi­irma is doc­toral stu­dent at Es­ton­ian Acad­emy of Arts.

Role(s) at the symposia over the years: