Cre­tien van Campen is sci­en­tific re­searcher, au­thor and ed­i­tor in so­cial sci­ence and fine arts. He is af­fli­ated as a se­nior re­searcher at the Nether­lands In­sti­tute for So­cial Re­search and mod­er­a­tor of Synes­thet­ics Nether­lands, the web com­mu­nity of synes­thetes in the Nether­lands. He is ed­i­tor of the Leonardo on­line bib­li­og­ra­phy Synes­the­sia in Art and Sci­ence. His lat­est book is The Hid­den Sense: Synes­the­sia in Art and Sci­ence (MIT  Press 2007). He has pub­lished in the fields of the senses, per­cep­tion & art  and health, hap­pines & well-be­ing.