“The Mechanism of Life (after Stephane Leduc) (2013)” by Oron Catts, Ionat Zurr, Corrie Van Sice
Artist(s) and People Involved:
Exhibiting Artist(s):
Oron Catts
- University of Western Australia
Ionat Zurr
- University of Western Australia
Corrie Van Sice
- New York University's Interactive Telecommunications
Artist Statement:
Corrie Van Sice, US, is a researcher developing new materials and methods of fabrication. She earned her Masters at New York University’s Interactive Telecommunications Program, the self-proclaimed “center for the recently possible.” As a professional fabricator, Corrie has worked with individual artists and institutions doing hardware engineering, mold-making, sculpture and generative digital modeling. Her research initiative, Designed Morphologies, applies concepts of bio-mimesis, sustainability and ecological design to the production of fabrication technologies (Source: Linked-in)
Additional Images:
- 2013 Catts Zurr Sice The Mechanism of Life (after Stephane Leduc)