The Col­lapse of PAL


Session Title:

  • (he)artbreaking to the core: zombie data and the arts of re/de/transcoding

Presentation Title:

  • The Col­lapse of PAL




  • Panel: (he)artbreaking to the core: zombie data and the arts of re/de/transcoding

    The Col­lapse of PAL is a realtime na­tion­wide tele­vi­sion per­for­mance that I pre­sented at TVTV on the 25th of May 2010, in Copen­hagen, DK. In The Col­lapse of PAL, the Angel of His­tory (as de­scribed by Wal­ter Ben­jamin) re­flects on the PAL tele­vi­sion sig­nal and its ter­mi­na­tion. This death sen­tence, al­though ex­e­cuted in si­lence, was a bru­tally vi­o­lent act that left PAL dis­re­garded and ob­so­lete. How­ever, the Angel of His­tory has to con­clude that while the PAL sig­nal might be ar­gued to be dead, it still ex­ists as a trace left upon the new, ‘bet­ter’ dig­i­tal tech­nolo­gies.
