Cu­rat­ing New Media Art in China: A Cre­ative Ap­proach from Within


Session Title:

  • @China, Virtually Speaking: A Virtual Roundtable Discussion on Emergent Practices in China

Presentation Title:

  • Cu­rat­ing New Media Art in China: A Cre­ative Ap­proach from Within




  • Panel:  @China, Virtually Speaking: A Virtual Roundtable Discussion on Emergent Practices in China

    Work­ing as an in­de­pen­dent cu­ra­tor is a chal­lenge in any coun­try, yet in China, where in­sti­tu­tions are gov­ern­ment run and pri­vate gal­leries charge huge ex­hi­bi­tion fees the stakes are even higher. Fig­ure in the cost of ex­hi­bi­tion ma­te­ri­als and equip­ment needs for new media art and the prospects are even bleaker. Xi­aoy­ing Juli­ette Yuan, who has been cu­rat­ing new media art in China since 2004, will dis­cuss the chal­lenges and cre­ative so­lu­tions for work­ing as an in­de­pen­dent cu­ra­tor in China.
