Real-time Notation, Text-Based Collaboration, and Laptop Ensembles
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Panel: Chasing Ghosts: Reactive Notation and Extreme Sight Reading
For me, dynamically-generated music notation is a powerful mechanism for connecting people to each other through interactive music systems. Much of my artistic work is concerned with exploring new relationships among composers, performers, and listeners (often blurring those categories beyond recognition). Over the last six years, I’ve incorporated dynamic music notation into my compositional practice in three ways. In live performance, I use real-time notation to link the creative activities of audience members to the music performed by instrumental musicians in real time, creating a continuous feedback loop linking performers and audience members throughout the performance. On the Internet, I have use dynamically-generated scores as a way to incorporate the ideas of web-site visitors into future concert performances of works. And with laptop orchestras, I have used real-time notation to link the activities of improvising laptop musicians to the music played by instrumental musicians and to share this process with the audience. I bring considerable expertise to the panel in terms of design challenges and potential solutions, technical platforms and implementations of real-time notation and aesthetic and historical perspectives on its use.