Mag­nets of the Fan­tas­tic: Fu­tureNorth


Session Title:

  • New Environmental Art Practices on Landscapes of the Polar Regions; Politics, Emotion and Culture (FARFIELD 1)

Presentation Title:

  • Mag­nets of the Fan­tas­tic: Fu­tureNorth




  • Panel: New Environmental Art Practices on Landscapes of the Polar Regions; Politics, Emotion and Culture (FARFIELD 1)

    Mag­nets of the Fan­tas­tic: Fu­tureNorth ex­plores the ques­tion: What will the fu­ture bring to the North Pole? What will be the ef­fect of cli­mate change on this re­gion?  Using the ex­am­ple of a re­cent col­lab­o­ra­tive an­i­ma­tion with vi­sion­ary ar­chi­tect Mitchell Joachim of Ter­reform 1, Marsching looks at the chal­lenges of cli­mate pre­dic­tion in un­der­stand­ing cli­mate mod­el­ing in real human terms. Tak­ing one pos­si­ble sce­nario of sea level rise, Fu­tureNorth imag­ines the fu­ture of our port cities and polar ocean one hun­dred years from now.  Posit­ing the needs for imag­i­na­tion and cul­tural nar­ra­tives to bal­ance the over­whelm­ing com­plex­i­ties of cli­mate data, this paper uses pos­si­ble fu­tures as a way to point to the chal­lenges of our cul­ture’s re­la­tion­ship with cli­mate data at the North Pole.

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