Trans­lat­ing Mo­tion Cap­ture Analy­sis into Per­for­mance


Session Title:

  • Motion Capture and Dance: what it can do, what it can’t do, and what it should never attempt

Presentation Title:

  • Trans­lat­ing Mo­tion Cap­ture Analy­sis into Per­for­mance




  • Panel: Motion Capture and Dance: what it can do, what it can’t do, and what it should never attempt

    This paper speaks about how mo­tion cap­ture analy­sis trans­lates into per­for­mance events, and specif­i­cally the im­pact on the viewer; what choices do artists make in terms of com­po­si­tion/en­vi­ron­ment/du­ra­tion and how does motor ac­tion and em­bod­ied human ex­pe­ri­ence com­mu­ni­cate through mo­tion cap­ture vi­su­al­i­sa­tions?  What does the viewer ex­pe­ri­ence and what are the crit­i­cal frame­works that the artist/viewer/scholar draws on to de­scribe and doc­u­ment the work?
