
Session Title:

Public Art of the Sustainable City

Presentation Title:



Chair Per­sons: Eliz­a­beth Monoian & Robert Ferry
Pre­sen­ters: Pa­tri­cia Watts, Nacho Zamora & Glen Lowry

As we en­deavor to ex­tri­cate civ­i­liza­tion from fos­sil fuel de­pen­dence, the ex­is­ten­tial de­bate over the pur­pose of art de­serves re­newed at­ten­tion in the con­text of nat­ural ecol­ogy and human con­sump­tion. Is it pos­si­ble for works of pub­lic art to con­tribute ac­tively to the so­lu­tion to the prob­lems that con­front us? Can in­ter­dis­ci­pli­nary art in­spire, through ex­am­ple, the type of so­cial change re­quired to sig­nif­i­cantly re­duce the neg­a­tive im­pact of human con­sump­tion on the planet? Pa­pers pre­sented will pre­sent ex­am­ples of pro­jects at var­i­ous scales that seek to ad­dress eco­log­i­cal is­sues, be­yond di­dac­tic ex­pres­sion, through the in­cor­po­ra­tion of tech­nol­ogy. This panel dis­cus­sion will ad­dress the con­tin­uum of pub­lic art, clean en­ergy prece­dents, and con­tem­po­rary tech­nolo­gies. Within this frame­work we will out­line and il­lus­trate the po­ten­tial that in­ter­dis­ci­pli­nary teams and com­mu­ni­ties around the world have to ex­pand both the di­a­logue and ac­tual change.

