
Session Title:

Share Workers: The Techniques and Meanings of Sustainable Digital Networking – Open Discussion

Presentation Title:




Chair Per­son: Char­lotte Frost
Pre­sen­ters: Brid­get McKen­zie, Jack Hutchin­son, Dougald Hine, Mar­cus Romer & Ruth Cat­low

The in­for­ma­tion shar­ing abil­i­ties of the in­ter­net has vastly ex­tended a pre-ex­ist­ing ca­pac­ity among artists to com­mu­ni­cate with each other about their work and lifestyles. With the ar­rival of so­cial media and the wave of in­ter­net use known as Web 2.0, the abil­ity to share has grown ex­po­nen­tially, be­com­ing a sub­ject in and of it­self, and gen­er­at­ing ex­perts in the tech­niques and mean­ings of shar­ing. And now, eco­nomic down-turn and dras­tic cuts to fund­ing, these free net­works have be­come in­valu­able for help­ing peo­ple sus­tain their prac­tice. This panel brings to­gether a set of ex­perts in the prac­ti­cal and the­o­ret­i­cal use of dig­i­tal net­works and in­fra­struc­tures for shar­ing. Work­ing across a range of areas from vi­sual art to music, per­for­mance and be­yond, they are united by their use of col­lab­o­ra­tive dig­i­tal tools and dri­ven by their propen­sity for pos­i­tive so­cial change. From con­sol­i­dat­ing con­nec­tions be­tween artists and arts pol­icy-mak­ers to rewiring our ed­u­ca­tional and eco­nomic cir­cuitry, this panel has col­lec­tively de­vel­oped a wealth of skills for reach­ing out to oth­ers through tech­nol­ogy. After an in­tro­duc­tion from the panel chair, par­tic­i­pants will each be given ten min­utes to de­scribe the pro­jects and prac­tices that com­prise their ‘share work’. Fol­low­ing this, the chair will ques­tion them on the in­tri­ca­cies of what they do as well as its im­pact on the wider art world – a field not nor­mally known for its in­clu­sive­ness. As a group they will un­pack suc­cess­ful mod­els (along­side some of the in­evitable ob­sta­cles) to ‘share work­ing’, ad­dress­ing both the very prac­ti­cal – as well as some of the philo­soph­i­cal – im­pli­ca­tions of open­ness in an ad­vanced in­for­ma­tion age.

